/ เกลียวรำพึงของสองเรา,     2024

Horsehide / Stainless Steel
One piece leather sculpture on light.
52 x 13.5 x 7.25 in

Thai verse poem in direct translation:
Best Viewed on Desktop

Rope / you / me          |          ( The rope of you and me )
We / were / placed          |          ( We were placed )
Path / Lasso ( or Worry ) / alone          |          ( on a path of a single noose | on a path of lone worry )

But / string / spiral          |          ( But the spiral of the rope | the lateness of the spiral )
swing / split / built          |          ( Swing, separated and form )
Body / trap          |          ( a body, into a trap )

Path / moving / confinement          |          ( The confinement of a moving path )
Encircle / body / self          |          ( surround this body )
Short / to / wait          |          ( I am eager )

Not / long /enough          |          ( Yet it is not long enough )
When / know / self          |          ( when one is finally aware )
Prey / that / wait          |          ( of a prey that willingly wait )

Point ( or Igniting ) / meeting / two          |          ( At the point where two meet | Where the two ignite by meeting )
lassos / loop / light          |          ( a lassos twine on to the light )
exchange / trap          |          ( exchanging their trap )

Two / half / confinement          |          ( Two half confinement )
Remember / attempt / Lassos ( or Worry )           |          ( remember each other’s worry | simulating each others noose )
Afraid / torn / seeing          |          ( in fear for the lack of seeing )

Dimmed / eye / reaching          |          ( Reaching with eyes half closed )
End / noose / dance          |          ( at the end of the knot, we dance )
Remember / rope / cold          |          ( to remember this cold rope )

Even if / not / seeing          |          ( Even if we won’t get to see )
Even if / not / over          |          ( if we are finished )
Or / not / found          |          ( or if we will find each other )

Eye ( or Within ) / trap          |          ( Eyes of a trap | Within this trap )
That / were / created          |          ( That were built )
Hide / another / prey          |          ( conceal another prey )

They / do not / believe          |          ( They do not believe )
In / touch          |          ( in our touch )
Suffering / that is / seen          |          ( the suffering that they’ve seen | the suffering that we’ve seen )

They / only / know          |          ( They only know )
That one / must / keep          |          ( That they must keep )
Lasso ( or Worry ) / that are / alive          |          ( A lasso that we are | A worry that is alive )

As if / once / seen          |          ( As if they have seen what we have seen )
As if / once / was          |          ( As if they were one of us )
As if / once / found          |          ( As if we were once found )

End / finished / strength          |          ( At the end of strength )
End / finished / light          |          ( At the end of the light )
beg / traps          |          ( Ask, the traps )

Do not / let survive (or pull through) / love          |          ( Do not let love through )
For / three / prey          |          ( For three preys )
To / spare / to          |          ( To long for )

Release / allow / Lasso (or Worry)          |          ( Let our lassos | Let our worry )
Weight / fall / built          |          ( fall to its weight, so we can find )
Different / end / pull          |          ( a different end to our pull )

Spiral / contemplation          |          ( Contemplation is a spiral )
Rope / touch          |          ( the rope of touch )
Of / two / us          |          ( the rope of us two )

Swedish Interpretation with Ari Essunfeld    |    Betraktelse: en spiral

Repet av dig och mig
vi sattes på
en enkel biljett till oro

Men den virvlande centrifugen
band kroppen i en loopfälla

Detta rörliga fängelsebanan,
detta självkretsande,
jag kunde inte vänta.

Men nu är tiden för kort.
Nu förstår jag
bytet vänter på mig.

Vid mötespunkten
där lasson fångar ljuset
vi byter platts.

Två halv-fällor
kan bara simulera en cirkel
och rädslan för blindhet och rivning.

Minnande vårt kalla ödessträng
vi når med våra ögon halvslutna
och dansar på repens yttersta spetsar

även om vi aldrig får se
om vi är färdiga
eller om vi någonsin blir funna.

I fällans tomma öga,
satt från början,
fanns det ett offer.

i beröringar,
i det sedda lidandet

Det visste bara
att det måste samla
liv — en slinga.

Som om det hade sett det.
Som om det hade varit här.
Som om betet kände bytet.

Vid ljusets rand
Vid ljusets rand
bytet bönfaller om fällan.

Snälla, ingen mer kärlek.
Lämna inget kvar
för oss tre i snärjdens garn.

Låt våra lasson
falla, äntligen lösta
i våra olika slappnade tillstånd.

Betraktelse: en spiral
Det intrasslade repet
av dig och mig.