/ นัยน์ตาข่าย,     2024

Horsehide / Stainless Steel
One piece leather sculpture on light.
105.5 x 15.25 x 6.5 in

Thai verse poem in direct translation:

Left leaving right,
I must reach again.
I can touch, but only at the half way.
They divide and rewoven our bodies.
Yet every blink, I cast myself back to you.
You, you touch me-
not yet- please, I beg you to not catch them.
Because through their eyes
I can imagine and see
the reach of my eyes ( This net of mine ).

My net ( Inside this eyes of mine )
is merely just a body to be caught.
To be moved and to turn their palms.
I can no longer refuse,
because it's too far now.
Their eyes have become my hands.
Desire stares back at me,
through it's heavy mist of divinity.
This ray of trembling hope,
inside this empty windows of mine.

Let the light
Release me ( Release the fractured )

" ตาข่าย "  ( Net )   can be split in to two separate words :

ตา = eye

ข่าย = limit, scope, boundaries

This boundaries of the eyes, this net of ours.